mercredi 21 mai 2008

Lizard, version lance flammes, et version light

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

J'adore ce TAG! Design très surprenant mais marrant et original. Le pilote dont les mains depassent c'est vraiment chouette!


Je suis contente de jouer les Nomads!


Anonyme a dit…

this has been one of the most controversial figures in the whole InFiNiTy range!

Either you love it or you hate it!

Personally, I belong to the "lovers" faction. I truly enjoy its brutality, detail and the overall landmate look, so close to Masamune's style

Anonyme a dit…

hey Yannick!

I finally painted your Lizard!

Hope that you like it. I can't paint blackest than this...